By imitating the habits of great writers or other artists you may not suddenly become capable of producing great artwork. However there are some useful advices to be learned from other peoples habits and working routines. In a world with accessibility to too much information, one of the keys to success is learning how to organize the day in order to get more done each day.
It is, however, not so much about imitating others working habits as finding the routines that fits your own personality and the situation in life that you are in right now. Some are early risers, while others are night owls. In addition to that, most of us are in a situation where we have to consider daytime jobs and other factors affecting our performance.
Before we go into details with some of the famous artists and their working habits, here are some great infographics from Podio, where the Daily Routines of some of the most famous creative people in history is put together.
Want to develop a better work routine? Discover how some of the world’s greatest minds organized their days.
Click image to see the interactive version (via Podio).