007 ELEMENTS: A new James Bond Cinematic Installation

james bond experiences travel
007-ELEMENTS-Solden Exterior Render (PRNewsfoto/007 ELEMENTS)

Here are some really good news for all the James Bond-fans that want to experience something spectacular. 007 ELEMENTS is a new James Bond cinematic installation that officially celebrated its opening on July 13th. The Installation is built inside the summit of the Gaislachkogl Mountain in Sölden.

The name 007 ELEMENTS reflects the visitor’s journey through a series of galleries, each distilling the craft of the signature elements that define a James Bond film. The installation focuses on Spectre, which was shot in Sölden and will feature other titles in the long-running 24 film Bond franchise.

The collaboration between the project’s Creative Director, Neal Callow (Art Director on Casino RoyaleQuantum of SolaceSkyfall and Spectre) and Optimist Inc. Head of Design, Tino Schaedler and his team has resulted in an immersive, interactive and educational experience that places visitors inside the world of 007 while revealing how that world is made.

“Our aim with 007 ELEMENTS is to tell the story of the making of 007 films in an ultra-modern, emotive and engaging way,” Callow explains. “We want to use this incredible location to place our guests into Bond’s environment, and bring the stories to life in a unique and unforgettable way.”

james bond cinematic installation
007 Elements Solden Plaza Render – Featuring James Bond’s Family Crest (PRNewsfoto/007 ELEMENTS)

Located 3,050 meters above sea level, the 1,300 square meter building has been constructed within the mountain and is arranged over two levels. Blending seamlessly with its surroundings, the impressive structure reveals itself through a tunnel and unfolds into two main areas offering spectacular views of the Tyrolean valleys.

Combining state-of-the-art technology with stark contemporary architecture, 007 ELEMENTS creates a captivating experience with a dramatic cinematic soundscape set in nature’s awe-inspiring surroundings.

The bespoke new building to house the installation was designed and constructed by Obermoser Architects. Tyrolean architect, Johann Obermoser and his team have been planning and realising award-winning commercial and residential buildings since 1983 including the spectacular ice Q restaurant on the summit of the Gaislachkogl and the Gaislachkogelbahn and Giggijochbahn cable car stations in Sölden.

007 ELEMENTS is a partnership between EON Productions and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) who jointly own the rights to the James Bond films, and Cable Car Companies Sölden.

Architect Johann Obermoser’s concept drawing of the building located 3,050 meters above sea level in Sölden, Austria to house the new James Bond cinematic installation. Embedded in the top of the mountain, the innovative, dynamic space is inspired by the work of visionary James Bond Production Designer Sir Ken Adam. Building work is underway and the installation will open to visitors this winter. (PRNewsfoto/Cable Car Companies Solden)

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